
Reduced Risk Of Illness


It’s believed that conditions like asthma, allergies, heart disease and even cancer are actually caused by chronic inflammation in the body. While a certain level inflammation is normal, when it is triggered unnecessarily, or gets out of control, then we have a problem.

What causes the brain to misread the signals, and trigger an inflammatory response even when no threat exists? A poor diet, rich in sugar and refined carbohydrates, is one of the main culprits.

The blood sugar surge that follows from snacking on white bread, French fries or even a can of soda, causes the body to release inflammatory messengers called cytokines. Eating whole grain products instead reduces cytokine production.

In addition, sugar and white flour are acidic foods and experts believe this is a major cause of chronic inflammation. Given that the average American consumes more than 130 pounds of sugar and 133 pounds of flour per year, it’s not surprising that so many people are suffering from diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other inflammation related issues.

Once you cut out the sugar and simple carbs and replace them with fruit, vegetables and complex carbohydrates you’ll decrease your body’s inflammatory responses and therefore reduce your risk of these illnesses.
