

Oats should be another dietary staple to include in your daily menu plans.

Similar to green tea, oats have been promoted as a weight loss aid.

Oats keep you feeling full and satisfied and help control blood sugar levels. This means you’ll have stable energy supplies and keep fatigue away. Oats will also destroy your cravings for unhealthy, sugary foods.

But you want to know how oats will keep you feeling young well into your golden years. Get this: oats protect you from deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Researchers at Harvard examined two studies that looked at food intake for 100,000 individuals over the course of 14 years. They found that those “who ate 33 grams of whole grains daily – equivalent to a bowl of oatmeal – cut their risk of premature death by 9 percent compared to those who barely ate whole grains at all”.

As Qi Sun, one of the study’s authors, explains:

“Whole grains may protect the heart by lowering blood sugar and insulin levels…This type of property could improve insulin resistance to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes”.
